The Handmade Watch Blog

Choose the right watch for you.
The importance of the watch goes beyond fashion, however, it is one of the most important accessory when you dress well, as well as denote good taste conveys our personality traits. The possibilities are many, today the market offers us from digital clocks materials like plastic to casual watches with extendable handmade.
(Remember, a watch is more than just an outfit accessory)
If you plan to buy a watch but do not know what features to consider, don’t worry! Follow these simple tips to help you choose the perfect watch for you.
Think about the style you like
First of all you must define the style that goes better with you, that is, if you want an elegant watch, one slightly more casual or perhaps one sport. It is highly recommended to choose those timeless designs that have classic designs that look great either with a suit or outfit weekend, in this way you will prevent the watch go out of style.
Small or big?
The size is one of the main premises when you are choosing a good watch and its related to your arm complexion. If you are tall watches with big cover goes with you, while thin people can use a round watch contrary to those with robust build, which must choose rectangular or square covers.
A watch can be one of those items that last for generations, so it is important that you know the basics to choose one that is functional for a long time. The approximate life of a battery clock is 10 years, while those who have quartz battery if it is changed is made it can last up to 5 years. Mechanical watches, whether manual or automatic should be cleaned every three years but its duration is almost, almost infinite.
It is important to consider the materials of which a watch is made, so if you think it will be "ruggedized" is worth choosing those stainless steel or titanium. If what you want is to take it to the office chooses a precious metal, such as white gold you can also be used if you want a sportier style.
Choose it yourself
Because the watches are a very personal accessory this must be chosen by the person who will use it. Take it as an excellent opportunity to show the world who you are and express to others a characteristic of your personality trait.Opt for good quality extensible
An important part of the watch is the extensible or strap. It is worth taking the time to know that it is made or if they can be swap them or not. Those handmade or handcrafted designs are ideal to stand out from others and can be used with various outfits and a variety of situations ranging from the office to a casual departure.
Get any kind of handmade leather straps in our catalog.
Consider buying options
Department stores offer a variety of watches, however online stores safely find different brands and models perfect for every taste and occasion watches.
Watch: More than just an outfit accessory
Clocks and watches are not just an item that defines our personality, nor a status and fashion hallmark. It´s an item that establishes our lives in an unimaginable way. Its background goes back to 3000 years B.C., when a sundial was used by ancient cultures as the Chinese, Egyptian and Inca.
Man needed to control the time and that was finally reached with Anaximander, a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who invented the first sundial. However, the first mechanical clock was claimed to Richard Wallingford. On the other hand Peter Henlein was the first one who invented the pocket watches that later progressed to the already known wristwatches.
Wristwatches popularity got increased during the World War I when they became very common among soldiers. This kind of watch have two adjustable straps and it is worn on the wrist, doing watches an infallible item that shows elegance and style.
Nowadays, watches have become an important item for those who like to be always on time. [Are you always late? Take a look to these 5 tips to be always on time]. Besides it´s one of the main elements that express your personality and status.
The wristwatch is the only item that keep us immediately aware of the actual season. It make us conscious of our time to avoid being late on social or work dates. I our days, it has become more than just an item. That´s why the importance to choose a good quality watch, not only functional but also that shows who we really are, our personality and that makes us look dressed up.
The importance of wearing a watch
Depending on the kind of watch that you wear you´ll be showing your status and style, for example in some jobs where it´s necessary the formal wear, wrist watches are a perfect complement adding a look´s final touch. Sport watches are a good idea to update your appearance, but you have to be careful, they used to be very casual.
At the moment of choosing a wristwatch the most important thing are straps, they could make the difference among others. Choose original straps made of good quality materials that show off your watch case. There is a wide variety of watches to fit all fancies; even in the same style, you will find thousands of straps to customize each watch. That´s why you must take into account the clothes that you wear in order to match it with the accessories.
How can I match my watchstraps? That´s easy, check out these ideas:
- Metal straps are ideal for casual dating business
- Those with cloth or rubber straps go well with sportswear
- Handmade leather straps are perfect for business meetings, casual, and formal dates.

Stop going against the clock! Here are 5 ways to be on time.
For many, being on time is a challenge. No matter how hard they try, this habit is a rule in their lives and sometimes is something that they do unconsciously. Being late means much more of what you think. You are not only wasting somebody´s time, but also yours.
Further than being a social value taught at school, punctuality is a personal habit strengthened with the passing of years. However, not all is a lost cause! With little of effort, this kind of actions could be modified within just 21 days. So, if you are tired of going against the clock take a look of these 5 advices that will help you to be always on time.
Detect which activities make you lose time
Human beings use to repeat patterns, so trying to discover which of them promotes our waste of time will be helpful to start in the best way. There are some that are late because they remain watching T.V., looking for the keys, closing doors, choosing the correct outfit, etc.
When problem has been detected, it is easier to take the first step to change this behavior.
Set your clocks forward
From your watch to the car´s, or even those at home, they must be 15 minutes ahead. However, you will need a lot of will power and effort to make it work. Let yourself be convinced that clocks are on time and act as the hour were the real one.
Let´s see an example: if our watch shows 9:20 and you must get out of your house at 9:30, you should think that you are late. Start setting the clock 15 minutes forward and, within the passing of time, you can reduce the set back to 10 and then 5 minutes. Remember that punctual people always are 5 minutes ahead.
Go to bed early
Successful people have the habit of looking after their sleep cycles. This means, they go to bed as early as the can in order to be fresh the next day. Remember that is highly recommendable to wake up as soon as you listen the first alarm. So, forget those “other 10 minutes, please!”
The most important thing is to learn the easiest way to respect your times and satisfy, above all, your body rest needs.
Prepare everything the day before
Punctual people are always planning. Therefore, to start developing this new habit start by preparing everything you can the night before. For example your lunch or the complete outfit for the next day.
Use technology in your favor downloading apps as Evernote or Wonderlist. These apps are useful to keep your tasks in order. You can create checklists the night before and start the next day organized, that will save tons of time. If you are old-schooled, an appointment book will work perfectly for you.
Wear a watch
It´s not only an important part of our daily outfit, but also, they help to keep in mind the available minutes to arrive on time to an appointment or to finish a task. The more you manage your time, the better your day will be. Watches are basic for those who are used to arrive on time in every appointment or social event.
[You can see here our wide range of handmade strap watches]
Choose a good quality watch that reflects your personality fitting to your daily life. If you do so, getting used to wear it daily will be easier. Nowadays, it is possible to get any kind of watch, from those with straps to be attached to analogs or digitals.
Options are unlimited!